AstroCast: May 13 – 26, 2021

Posted on May 14, 2021
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell

Significant archetypal shifts occur during this period that may correlate to notable changes in how we approach something, or new developments in ongoing external situations. How the planetary movements unfold in sync with each other tells a story of universal themes of love and courage that call us to engage in care-full communications and be responsible in our personal relationships as well as the impersonal ones in the world at large. Each of us, as co-creators of our life, will apply the messages from these planetary intelligences in our own way, which is the beauty and the soul-affirming nature of answering the call to participate with them in expanding our consciousness.

After five months in Aquarius, Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13 for a relatively brief visit that lasts until July 28, at which time it will retrograde back into Aquarius for the rest of the year. This marks a shift in sign quality from air (processing through thinking) to water (processing through feeling). It also represents the transition to the last level of individual development. Whereas Aquarius focuses us on placing our growing personal power in service to humanity, Pisces, the end of the Zodiacal Road of individuation, asks us to participate in an even more expansive purpose as an agent of Divine Love. Jupiter is a “societal” planet that governs the high-level philosophical view of how we choose to live together on this planet and the meaning we make out of life. It seeks a broad range of experiences that take us into unknown territory, both in the physical world and in the far reaches of the mind. As the traditional ruler (before Neptune was discovered) of this sign that represents consciousness, Jupiter’s natural affinity with Pisces suggests that we may be more open and willing to explore new ideas about our spirituality and the deeper questions of life. Jupiter’s passion for the infinite variety humanity has to offer and Pisces’ call to recognize how we are all connected could correlate in a strengthening of movements that promote greater unity in diversity

On May 14, Mercury enters its “shadow,” the degree space between 16° and 25° Gemini it will traverse three times due to its upcoming retrograde (May 29 to June 22). This indicates that what transpires now will likely come under review during the retrograde, during which time we may need to pick up missed steps, make strategic adjustments or revisit words spoken as new information comes to light. Taking care now to be thorough in our responsibilities and thoughtful of others can help mitigate any potential delays experienced during the retrograde.

Shortly after entering its shadow, Mercury enters a “crisis of action” square with Neptune in Pisces that becomes exact on May 22. This alignment will endure much longer than usual as two other exact alignments will follow on June 5 when Mercury is retrograde and on July 6 after it turns direct. The prolonged dance between the planets of communication and unconditional love could make us much more sensitive to everything, which can have varied effects depending on how well we handle that state. It could also foster deep compassion and open us to being more attentive to our intuition, dreams, synchronicities, or other non-mental ways we receive information that make us feel the cosmic intelligences around us. Asking for their help in giving us the courage to face any uncomfortable situation is one of the best ways to relieve the tension created by the square, as is simply perceiving things as they are rather than how we want them to be.

Venus in Gemini forming an opening trine with Saturn in Aquarius on May 19 emphasizes the need for integrity and being accountable in relationships. Trines are flowing in nature so we may be more willing to see and do what needs to be done to bring greater harmony and stability to a situation. Saturn is barely moving and will turn retrograde on May 23while its trine to Venus is still active so this theme may become internalized during the retrograde, which will last through October 10, so we may need to focus on the origin of any fearful belief systems that contribute to stress in our interactions. Saturn is within a 1° orb of its ongoing square with Uranus in Taurus and on June 14 will retrograde back into the second exact alignment this year. If we aren’t already working on increasing our awareness of these issues, the shocks Uranus often brings may be the instigator we need.

On May 20, the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in Gemini, strengthening the emphasis on the thresholds of transitions. In terms of cycles of action with beginnings, middles and ends, mutable signs teach us how to prepare for a cycle to end so that a new one can begin. This is an essential lesson in the path of individual development. When we truly finish one thing, we have a light and clean slate going to the next without residual nagging thoughts about something left unresolved that constantly pulls us into the past. For Gemini, it is important is to gather as much quality information as possible and/or connect with others for the support we need to complete a task or cycle of thinking as best we can. Furthermore, Gemini teaches us to communicate and collaborate with the cosmic intelligences and receive their messages in moments of stillness about the precious lessons learned from the ending cycle so we can code them into the seed idea that forms in the next.

While still at the potent zero-degree mark of mutable signs, the Sun forms an exact square to Jupiter in Pisces on May 21. This is another “crisis of action” opening square that can bring a sense of urgency to the cycle that began with their conjunction in Aquarius on January 28. This could feel like a great need to gain ground, acquire more of something, or do something completely different related to our own personal cycles of growth, which could correlate to excessive behavior if we’re not sufficiently prepared. It could also correlate with a buoyant feeling that anything is possible if we are open to it. Opportunities abound when we are in a state to receive them.

The current lunar cycle reaches its peak moment on May 26 with the Moon in Sagittarius also squares Jupiter as it opposes the Sun in Gemini to form a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Events unfolding around eclipses seem to be more memorable because they often correlate to significant internal shifts in our awareness that result in sometimes dramatic changes in the direction we take in life. Eclipses have a sense of destiny or fate to them and in alignment with Jupiter, our feelings may be more powerful than usual. The lunar cycle, which began with the New Moon on May 11 in alignment with Neptune, called us to tune into the need for collective healing by working towards creating a sustainable way of life. The eclipsed full moon is in the sign ruled by Jupiter, which suggests we may need to confront limiting beliefs about how we should live together on this planet we absorbed early in life from others and society.

Capitalism for example promulgates the belief that in order to survive we constantly need to grow through expanding our economies and has justified all manner of questionable behavior that has a tremendously destructive effect on our fragile ecosystem and underserved communities. This eclipse offers an opportunity to change the way we think about growth itself. Instead of interpreting the compulsion to expand within the material functions of this reality through the accumulation of stuff and making more money, imagine if we focused that very real urge on consciousness itself, not just understanding the depths of our mind but also seeing our unique and vital role as a participant in the evolution of consciousness. If we opened to this, we could accelerate the expansion our “container” of awareness to hold the intense energies of the unseen forces working through us to effect change that is truly sustainable. May the Sun in curious Gemini opposing the Eclipsed Moon in inspirational Sagittarius free our mind and ignite our will to embark on this adventure of consciousness.


AstroCast Astrology Aquarius AstroCast Astrology Taurus
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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One response to “AstroCast: May 13 – 26, 2021”

  1. I love reading Kimberly’s Astro Cast. She considers all the angles and always sheds light on my life.

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