
Posted on June 1, 2020
Posted by Jim Schultz

Jim Schultz

*Any times indicated are for the Pacific Time Zone.

*Refer to “AstroCast” by Kimberly Maxwell for more detailed information as these events unfold.

*Remember, these are just transits and they too, like a kidney stone, shall pass.


Extended Forecast for September

September gets off to what could be an exciting start with three exact major and two inconjunct/quincunx aspects.  In addition, Uranus will station retrograde, and Pluto will make His final return to Capricorn, all on the 1st.  On the 2nd, we will have the Virgo New Moon and Mars will make a waxing square to retrograde Neptune.  On the 4th, Mars will go void-of-course for almost four hours before entering Cancer.  On the 5th, Mars will go out-of-bounds North.  On the 6th, there will be four major and two inconjunct/quincunx aspects and Mercury will go  void-of-course.  On the 7th, we have the annual Sun opposition Saturn.  On the 8th, we will have two major and three minor inconjunct/quincunx aspects after which Mercury will return to Virgo.  The 9th and 10th offer up a mix of waxing and waning aspects.


09/01/24 – 5:36 am – slow Moon fixed conjunction shadow Mercury

This is the beginning of a new Moon Mercury monthly cycle.  This can be good for starting a new or restarting an old writing project or tackling a problem that you just haven’t been able to get your “mind” or “head” around as Mercury is still going over old ground.


09/01/24 – 8:18 am – Uranus stations Retrograde

There are once again, four planets (the outer planets), that is half of the planets retrograde, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.  Expect delays, obstacles, challenges, confusion, illusions, and dissolution.  Pay close attention to all details.


09/01/24 – 3:22 pm – slow Moon waxing fixed square retrograde Uranus

This is the crisis of action square.  With four planets retrograde, choose wisely.  With retrograde Uranus involved, some “old” ideas or “tricks” that have worked in the past may be just what you need to keep pushing forward.


09/01/24 – 5:10 pm – retrograde Pluto returns to Capricorn

This will be Pluto’s last visit to Capricorn until February 28, 2254, almost 230 years.  He will be at 29 Capricorn until November 19, 2024, when He will return to Aquarius and continue His journey forward.  Pluto touches every minute of every degree of the Zodiac at least three times, so it can be said that He is always in His “Shadow”.  To quote the old “The Shadow” radio drama, “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?  The Shadow knows!”  Is there something that you are trying to hide in “your shadow?”  Those with planets or other sensitive points at 29 Capricorn may feel this the strongest as might those of other cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, and Libra.


09/01/24 – 5:25 PM – slow Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing sextile to Mars, the Moon goes void-of-course for almost 3 1/2 hours.  The waxing sextile is the pause and review any things started recently aspect.  If you have started anything recently, now is a good time to see how it is developing and to consider what your next step should be to keep it moving forward.  Set aside any new things that come up until after the Moon enters Virgo. 

About 1 1/2 hours later, the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Neptune.  Just 2 hours later, the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Pluto.  These two aspects come on either side of the opposition and suggest that there may be a shift coming as we encounter more waning, consolidating, completing aspects.  With Neptune involved, better double check anything you think is ready to be moved to your “ready to complete” stack just in case you may have overlooked something.


09/01/24 – 8:48 pm – slow Moon enters Virgo

This is almost simultaneous with the quincunx to retrograde Pluto and may signal some unexpected upset or need to change your plans.  Virgo is considered to be analytical and at times overly critical, but She just wants us to be better and to adhere to our internal code of conduct and what is right and what is wrong.


09/02/24 – 6:56 pm – slow New Moon mutable conjunction Sun

This New Moon is at 11 Virgo 04’.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A bride with her veil snatched away.”  New Moon’s like all conjunctions symbolize new beginnings; however, this symbol suggests that something unexpected and possibly even “shocking,” may manifest.  It is the groom’s place to remove or fold back the bride’s veil, not some unexpected guest or interloper.  If you are planning on revealing something this evening, best keep it “close to your vest” or someone else may snatch the moment from you.


09/02/24 – 9:10 pm – Mars waxing mutable square retrograde Neptune

This is another crisis of action square.  Coming shortly after the New Moon, you may have to think and react quickly to something.  With both in mutable signs, even though Mars is involved, deciding may not be easy and could lead to some hesitation which might “spoil the moment.”  Think and plan ahead.  Be prepared for something that you might not otherwise anticipate.


09/03/24 – 5:37 am – slow Moon mutable opposition retrograde Saturn

This marks the midpoint of their current monthly cycle and is the point when work in progress moves from the waxing expansion stage to the waning consolidating stage.  With Saturn retrograde, take time to review any of these items just to make sure that they are ready for that change.  Saturn is the Time Lord, so don’t cut corners or skip any steps.  Review any requirements and instructions before deciding or you may have to repeat some steps.


09/03/24 – 11:34 am – slow Moon waxing mutable square shadow Jupiter

This is another crisis of action square.  Did you start anything new around the time of their conjunction August 26/27?  If so, what do you need to do now to keep it moving forward?  Consider your options carefully as Jupiter will be retracing His steps over this area later this year after He goes retrograde.


09/04/24 – 3:37 am – slow Moon waxing earth trine retrograde Uranus

This is the beginning of a rather busy astronomical day.  This trine follows the crisis of action square in sequence and offers an opportunity to pause and review any recent actions taken and how they are progressing.  If not to your liking, now is the time to modify or correct them rather than later when any “problems” from those actions may be compounded, then continue moving forward.


09/04/24 – 7:05 am – slow Moon mutable opposition retrograde Neptune

This is the midpoint in the current Moon Neptune cycle and is the next aspect in sequence after the waxing inconjunct/quincunx.  Finding balance with Neptune is rarely easy as He likes to obscure and mislead, but with Him also retrograde, it is as if He is asking, “oh, did you miss something,” without necessarily showing you what it might be.  If you are working on something that you think is ready to be completed (waning phase), take time to go back over everything you have done, starting with the original requirements, to make sure that you haven’t left something out or missed anything.


09/04/24 – 9:00 am – Mars goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing mutable crisis of action square by the Moon, Mars goes void-of-course for almost four hours.  Best to take any actions in the morning before this aspect.  Actions taken while Mars is void-of-course may not work out to your expectations as you could have missed something.  With Mars void-of-course, accidents may also be more prevalent so be extra cautious and watch out for the other guy, the one who causes accidents.


09/04/24 – 9:06 am – slow Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning earth trine to retrograde Pluto, the Moon goes void-of-course for 6 minutes, entering Libra at 9:12 am.  Not starting anything new for six minutes shouldn’t be too difficult.  If need be, use the time to review it or to clarify all requirements and expectations with whomever is giving it to you.

The waning trine precedes the crisis of consciousness square in the normal sequence of things.  This is the pause and consider what actions you should take next to keep things on track to be completed.

About two hours later, Mars will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Pluto.  The waxing inconjunct/quincunx precedes the opposition and provides an opportunity to review something before it reaches the balance, harvest point.  Don’t try anything new as Mars is void-of-course, instead you should look at any actions taken that might need to be reinforced or changed.


09/04/24 – 12:46 pm – Mars enters Cancer

This is the sign of Mars “Fall,” that is where He is weaker, as the cardinal water nature of Cancer may put a damper on His cardinal fire Aries nature.  This suggests that actions taken during this transit may not develop as strongly as expected, they may be impeded, or they may require greater effort to accomplish.  When attempting to control your own or actions of others, extra care may be in order, else they may get out of control.


09/05/24 – 2:12 am – slow Moon cardinal conjunction Venus

This is the monthly meeting of the two grand ladies of the Zodiac.  What might they have in mind?  Coming at this time of the night, be sure to note any dreams, insights, “a-ha” moments, feelings, or other sensations that may come to you.  This new beginning symbolizes an opportunity to work on your relationships, particularly with those closest to you or that you have strong feelings for.


09/05/24 – 10:43 pm – Mars goes Out-of-Bounds North

As if in an attempt to escape the limiting features of Cancer, Mars moves out above the northern boundary of the Sun.  Free of the limiting features of the Sun, Mars may now act more impulsively, potentially even violent at times.  North represents the future, the unknown, the wished for.  Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it, but not in the way you expect.  Pay attention to your surroundings as accidents can happen when least expected.

About 4 1/2 hours earlier, the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Saturn.  This aspect follows their opposition and offers an opportunity to take another look at any work that you think might be ready to complete.  The next aspect in sequence is the waning trine, when it is time to plan the consolidating action.


09/06/24 – 1:08 am – slow Moon waxing air trine shadow Jupiter

This is the pause and review of any recent actions trine.  Coming in the night, be sure to note any dreams, insights or sudden awarenesses, particularly if they are about something you forgot to do or finish.


09/06/24 – 4:11 pm – slow Moon waxing sextile shadow Mercury

The waxing sextile follows the conjunction and signifies a time to review any new things started recently.  How are they developing?  Did you forget something?  Is there something you still need to keep them moving forward?  The next aspect in sequence is the crisis of action square.  Plan what actions to take next. 

Just one-half hour later, the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Uranus.  A bit over three hours later, the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Neptune.  This combination could bring surprises that might increase your anxiety level as it is getting later in the day.  Try as we might, we can’t prepare for every possibility.  Take time to catch your breath and see what you are really dealing with, then plan and take action if necessary.


09/06/24 – 9:21 pm – shadow Mercury goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing fixed square to retrograde Uranus, Mercury goes void-of-course for over 50 hours.  Treat this like a short Mercury retrograde without a do-over.  Focus on any existing writing projects, be sure to spell and grammar check all written or text messages and posts before sending or posting.  Don’t start any new writing projects until after Mercury returns to Virgo.  Got one that can’t wait?  Proceed slowly and methodically.  Use the time to gather information, perhaps make an outline or create a draft.  If it has to be done before Mercury enters Virgo, recheck everything, then ask someone to proof it for you.


09/06/24 – 10:08 pm – slow Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning cardinal crisis of consciousness square to retrograde Pluto, the Moon goes void-of-course for ten minutes, then enters Scorpio at 10:18 pm.  Take time to look at what you are working on.  Rethink what you have done and what you are planning on doing.  Make any necessary changes.  If it isn’t broken, don’t “fix” it, but if it needs changes, tweaks, or trimming, take care of it.


09/07/24 – 1:24 am – slow Moon waxing water trine Mars

This crisis of action square coming in the night might disrupt your sleep.  If so, note what it is that woke you, or what you were thinking or feeling that kept you awake.  Note times and details so you won’t forget them.  You can analyze them later.  This energy should continue through the day as the next aspect isn’t until tonight.


09/07/24 – 9:35 pm – Sun mutable opposition retrograde Saturn

This aspect happens but once a year and may relate back to their previous conjunction which was on February 28, 2024.  Did you start any major or important project around that time?  If so, how is it doing?  Are you on schedule?  Do you have a schedule for it?  If not, perhaps you should create one.  Mark the dates on your calendar.  The next major “check-in” will be in about three months.  Keep at it.


09/08/24 – 6:37 am – slow Moon waning water trine retrograde Saturn

This is the pause and consider what actions to take next aspect.  It is similar to the waxing sextile except with the waning trine you are focusing on actions to consolidate and complete while with the waxing sextile you should focus on expanding and creating.

Just over 2 1/2 hours earlier, Mercury made a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Neptune.  This is the aspect before the conjunction and may bring up thoughts of “What have I forgotten?” Or “Am I sure that this is right/ready?  Note any dreams, thoughts, feelings, or other sensations that came to you in the night or on waking.


09/08/24 – 7:29 am – slow Moon waxing sextile Sun

This is the first major aspect after the conjunction.  Time to review any new things you have started recently and assess how they are progressing?  What should you do now to keep them moving forward?  Plan your next steps as the crisis of action square is the next aspect for this pair.


09/08/24 – 2:20 pm – slow Moon waxing inconjunct/quincunx shadow Jupiter

This could disrupt your afternoon as Jupiter, master of expansion and exaggeration may try to get you to go big when maybe the right thing to do is just stay home, or at least in your lane.  If something sounds too good to be true, then it most likely is, especially in this age of internet falsehoods, lies, and conspiracy theories.

Just over 7 1/2 hours later, shadow Mercury will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Pluto.  While the waxing quincunx comes before the opposition, the waning one follows the opposition and may have you questioning yourself and your own truths.  One option, question everything.  Do your own investigation.  Trust your instincts.


09/08/24 – 11:50 pm – shadow Mercury returns to Virgo

Mercury is back in their mutable earth Virgo home.  Analysis and a critical eye to details may be emphasized in the coming month.  Heed your own advice.


09/09/24 – 4:32 am – slow Moon goes Out-of-Bounds South

The Moon is at 27 Scorpio 01’ as She once again slips below the Sun’s southern or apparent lowest boundary.  The south symbolizes the past, what we know, where we are most comfortable.  That doesn’t mean we can live there.  “The past is already written.  The ink is dry.”  “Read” your own history.  Learn from it so you won’t repeat any mistakes.  With Mercury still in their shadow, things you have said, written, posted, texted, or emailed may come up as may people from your past.  Watch your “6,” as you keep moving forward.


09/09/24 – 4:58 am – slow (OOB) Moon fixed opposition retrograde Uranus

Expect the unexpected, possibly in the extreme.  Plan for the best, expect the worst, and be satisfied that the outcome will probably be somewhere in between.  With four planets retrograde expect to encounter delays or “roadblocks,” but remember how you handled similar situations in the past as that should see you through.


09/09/24 – 8:07 am – slow (OOB) Moon waning water trine retrograde Neptune

This is the pause and plan your next actions as you work to get things finished or at least, ready to finish.  Note any dreams you may have had in the night.  Be sure to “clear” your head before deciding what to do as Neptune is known for His ability to confuse and create delusions.


09/09/24 – 10:11 am – slow (OOB) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning sextile to retrograde Pluto, the Moon will go void-of-course for 15 minutes before entering Sagittarius at 10:26 am.  Good time for your morning “coffee” break so you won’t be tempted to start anything new.  The waning sextile is the last major aspect before the conjunction.  This is the get things finished, then make plans for which new thing you want to start next aspect.


09/09/24 – 11:50 am – slow (OOB) Moon waxing mutable square shadow Mercury

This is the crisis of action square, time to do those things you planned on doing at the waxing sextile.  Done!  Check!  Done!  Check!  Recheck.

Just over 4 1/2 hours later, the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to Mars.  With Mars involved this can be rather unsettling as He may “present” a situation to get you to take an impulsive action.  Don’t act in haste.  Take time to properly assess any situation before deciding.  Trust your instinct. 

These energies should carry through the rest of today and into tomorrow as the next major aspect won’t be until tomorrow afternoon.


9/10/24 – 3:48 pm – accelerating (OOB) Moon waxing sextile Venus

This is another opportunity to review any new things started recently and plan what your next actions should be.

 Just over one hour later, the Moon will make a waning mutable crisis of consciousness square to retrograde Saturn.  With Saturn involved, be particular, be very particular when it comes to eliminating, letting go of, or “cutting away” something.

09/10/24 – 11:05 pm – accelerating (OOB) Moon waxing mutable square Sun

This is the crisis of action square  Perhaps there is something you planned earlier that now would be the appropriate time to do.  Or perhaps you can make plans for what you are going to do tomorrow.

The next ten days start with the 23rd anniversary of the 09/11/2001 attacks, and Mercury finally leaving their shadow followed by the beginning of a new Moon Wobble.  On the 12th, we have the annual Sun waxing square Jupiter with a mix of other waxing and waning aspects carrying us through the 16th.  On the 17th, we have the Harvest Moon, which is also the second of four consecutive Super Moons.  On the 18th we have Mercury opposite retrograde Saturn followed by the Sun trine retrograde Uranus on the 19th, and then the Sun will oppose retrograde Neptune on the 20th to finish out the next ten days.


09/11/24 – 1:07 am – accelerating (OOB) Moon mutable opposition shadow Jupiter

Finding balance when both planets are in mutable signs should be easier as one is better able to adapt to any changes that may come up.  With Jupiter involved there is such a thing as too much, but there is also the possibility of too little.  Like Goldilocks, find the point of “just right.”  Coming in the night, be sure to note any dreams, insights, “a-ha” moments, feelings, or other sensations.

Less than three hours later Venus will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Saturn.  This combination could signal potential issues with finances or relationships.  With Saturn still retrograde until mid-November, it might involve someone from your past or something you bought, sold, or a past investment.


09/11/24 – 4:53 pm – Mercury leaves their Shadow

Now at 4 Virgo 06’ 20”, Mercury leaves their Shadow and ventures into new territory.  Those more susceptible to Mercury retrogrades may feel a sense of relief, perhaps as if the air around them is lighter.  This doesn’t mean you don’t have to spell, or grammar check your writing, texts, or postings, just that most should be better able to focus on what they are doing and better understand what they are reading or saying.  Typos, including those by “spellcheck,” will still occur so be sure to check, recheck, proof, and reproof whatever you may write, type, or post before doing so.


09/11/24 – 5:21 pm – average (OOB) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning crisis of consciousness square to retrograde Neptune, the Moon will go void-of-course for about 2 hours before entering Capricorn at 7:38 pm.  This time may best be used by reviewing or focusing on work in progress.  Set aside any new things until after the Moon enters Capricorn or for tomorrow.

About three hours earlier, the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Uranus.  With Uranus involved, expect the unexpected, slow down and check and recheck your work frequently as you focus on things that need to be completed.


09/11/24 – 5:36 pm – Moon Wobble Begins???

The Sun is now at 19 Virgo 45’ and just 17 degrees from the South Lunar Node.  Moon Wobble refers to that time period when there is a statistically higher probability of natural or manmade disaster, general chaos, or mass casualty events.  Be extra cautious.  Pay attention to your surroundings.  Avoid risky behavior.  Watch out for the other guy, the one who causes accidents.


09/11/24 – 8:42 pm – Mercury waxing sextile (OOB) Mars

The waxing sextile is the first major aspect after the conjunction and symbolizes a time to pause and review how any new things started recently are doing.  Take time to plan what you should do next to keep things on track and moving forward.


09/12/24 – 3:53 am – Sun waxing mutable square Shadow Jupiter

With three exact major aspects in less than one hour, this could be an unsettling night or morning.  Pay attention.

They start with this, the crisis of action square between the two largest bodies in the Solar System.  With both in mutable signs, deciding what to do and when to do it may be more challenging as some will find themselves doubting or questioning their choices.  Coming in the night, note any dreams or first thoughts, sensations on waking.  You may find your answers in them.

Just 3 minutes later, the (OOB) Moon will make a cardinal opposition to (OOB) Mars.  If something wakes you in the night, note the time and what it was.  It could be an important message from your subconscious. 

Wrapping up the morning, 40 minutes later the (OOB) Moon will make a waxing earth trine to Mercury.  The waxing trine is the pause and review of any recent actions to see how they are developing.  Are they going as expected or do you need to make some changes?  The energy from this combination of aspects should last for most of the day.


09/12/24 – 11:53 pm – average (OOB) Moon waning sextile retrograde Saturn

This is the finish something and then consider what you should start next aspect.  Consider your oldest work in progress and those things that have to be completed soon first.  With retrograde Saturn involved, you may have overlooked some details or impending due date.  Consider what you should do first thing tomorrow.


09/13/24 – 4:30 am – accelerating (OOB) Moon waxing cardinal square Venus

This is the crisis of action square between the two Great Ladies of the Zodiac.  Let this be your inspiration for positive actions to get your morning off to a very good start. 

Just over 3 1/2 hours later, the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to shadow Jupiter.  With Jupiter in His shadow, whatever this may be about for you will probably come up again, and again, and again, …, as Jupiter goes retrograde on October 9, and won’t go direct until February 4, 2025.  Pay attention to all aspects involving Jupiter and how they might affect you as they are likely to repeat themselves through the rest of this year and the first 4-5 months of 2025, or you get it right.


09/13/24 – 10:01 am – accelerating (OOB) Moon waxing earth trine Sun

This trine follows the crisis of action square and offers an opportunity to pause and review how those actions are developing.  Are you getting the results you desired?  If not, what do you need to do to get back on track?


09/13/24 – 8:04 pm – accelerating (OOB) Moon waning earth trine retrograde Uranus

This is the consolidating trine.  Time to focus on older work in progress or work that needs to be completed.  Consider what actions you should take next to pare things down to the essentials.


09/13/24 – 10:40 pm – accelerating (OOB) Moon waning sextile retrograde Neptune

This is the time to finish those things that need to be finished and to begin considering what “new thing” you should start next at the conjunction.  With retrograde Neptune involved, don’t be fooled by some false illusion or fog.  Clear your head before proceeding.


09/14/24 – 12:35 am – fast (OOB) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following Her cardinal conjunction with retrograde Pluto, the Moon goes void-of-course for 18 minutes before entering Aquarius at 12:53 am.  Most everyone will sleep through this so, not starting anything new during this time shouldn’t be that difficult.  Note any dreams you have and if something wakes you in the night, note the time and as much detail as possible.


09/14/24 – 9:54 am – fast Moon returns In-Bounds

The Moon is at 5 Aquarius 18’ when She returns into the bounds of the Sun.  Some may feel as if things are a bit lighter and they are more in control of their emotions and feelings.

One hour later, (10:52 am) the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to (OOB) Mars.  This is the first aspect in the consolidating phase of the cycle.  Mars is in cardinal water Cancer and may be quick to react without having any real plan.  If you don’t have a plan for your work, you should probably make one now.  “Trusting” that things will work out or expecting someone else to have a plan for you isn’t an acceptable course of action.

About 5 1/2 hours later, (4:21 pm), the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to Mercury.  This is the most uncomfortable aspect as the two signs the planets are in share nothing in common which can manifest as a very uncomfortable, irritating feeling.  Choose your words very carefully.  Check and recheck both grammar and spelling.


09/14/24 – 10:34 pm – Venus waxing air trine Shadow Jupiter

This is the pause and review recent actions trine.  Coming late in the day, this can be a good opportunity to reflect on your day, what you accomplished, and what you didn’t.  Make a list of what you need to or should do tomorrow to start your day.


09/15/24 – 11:05 am – fast Moon waning air trine Shadow Jupiter

This is the consolidating phase and offers an opportunity to pause and plan your next actions as you consider work that needs to be completed.  What do you let go of, what isn’t working, and what is.


09/15/24 – 12:09 pm – fast Moon waxing air trine Venus

Time to shift gears to newer work and any recent actions you have taken.  Review those actions and how they are developing.  Do you need to redo, change, or undo anything?  Decide now before moving forward.

Just over four hours later, the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to the Sun.  This minor aspect follows the waxing trine and may raise questions about the actions you have taken recently.  The choices made now may affect how well you are able to manage the opposition, which is the next aspect in sequence.


09/15/24 – 10:04 pm – fast Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning crisis of consciousness square to retrograde Uranus, the Moon goes void-of-course for over 4 1/2 hours.  It is late in the day and for most, not starting something new shouldn’t be a problem.  Use this time to pare down, consolidate, and plan what actions you will take tomorrow to move things toward completion.


09/16/24 – 2:39 am – fast Moon enters Pisces

Now in mutable water, emotional, spiritual Pisces, some may feel this shift in the night.  If you do, note what you are feeling and any other sensations you experience.


09/16/24 – 2:03 pm – fast Moon waning water trine Mars

This is another pause and consider what actions to take trine as you prepare for the crisis of consciousness square.  What can you do to pare things down, to consolidate or eliminate what isn’t working or doesn’t add value?


09/16/24 – 11:55 pm – fast Moon mutable opposition Mercury

This is the balance point, and it is almost midnight.  Perhaps it is time to make sure that you have balance in your life between being awake time and sleep time.


09/17/24 – 3:11 am – fast Moon mutable water conjunction retrograde Saturn

Coming in the night note any dreams, feelings, or other sensations that you may have.  With Saturn involved, timing could be critical.  This energy may carry through most of the morning.


09/17/24 – 11:30 am – fast Moon waning mutable square Shadow Jupiter

This could be an opportune time to focus on work that needs to be completed.  This is the pare down and consolidate square in preparation for the final steps to complete things.  Did you make any plans yesterday with the waning trine to Mars?  This may be the time to put them into action.

About five hours later, the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to Venus.  This is the last aspect before the opposition and could provide an opportunity to find balance at work or in your life.  Word of caution, this could symbolize an unexpected issue coming up with a relationship, some financial matter, or something you desire.


09/17/24 – 7:34 pm – fast Super Full Harvest Moon partial Lunar Eclipse mutable opposition Sun

This Full Harvest Moon is also known as the Corn Moon.  As the Moon rises, She will already be in the Earth’s shadow so the best time to see and appreciate this, should be at Moon rise, at least in the Pacific Time Zone.  She is at 25 Pisces 40’, the Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A New Moon that divides its influences.”  This suggests that now is not the time to “put all your eggs in one basket.”  Time to hedge your bets and weigh your options as you move forward.  Stay flexible.


09/17/24 – 9:53 pm – fast Moon waning sextile retrograde Uranus

This is the last aspect before the conjunction.  Time to consider what you can finish and what might still need more “work.”  This is a good time to plan your work for tomorrow.


09/18/24 – 12:10 am – fast Moon mutable water conjunction retrograde Neptune

This is the first of three exact major aspects coming in the night.  Each adding to the energy of the previous ones  You might experience an unpleasant dream, feeling or sensation.  Whatever it might be, note the time and as much information as you can recall.


09/18/24 – 1:50 am – Mercury mutable opposition retrograde Saturn

This may add to any dreams or feelings you may have from earlier.  With this combination, note whatever you think or hear in the night including any conversations in your dreams.


09/18/24 – 2:02 am – fast Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing sextile to retrograde Pluto, the Moon goes void-of-course for 22 minutes before rushing into cardinal fire Aries at 2:24 am.  Some may feel this shift.  Most probably won’t.  Coming at this time of night, not starting anything new shouldn’t be a problem.  Be sure to add anything else that might come up to any notes from earlier in the night.


09/18/24 – 3:00 pm – Mars returns In-Bounds

Mars is at 8 Cancer 15’ as He returns into the bounds of the Sun.  This may help to quiet down some of the chaos; however, with the ongoing Moon Wobble, it is best if you don’t let your guard down.


09/18/24 – 3:27 pm – fast Moon waning cardinal square Mars

This is the consolidating crisis of consciousness square.  Considering what you are working on, is there anything that isn’t working or doesn’t add value to it?  If so, this is your opportunity to pare it down and keep it moving toward completion.


09/19/24 – 7:04 am – Sun waxing earth trine retrograde Uranus

Their cycle lasts about 53 weeks from conjunction to conjunction.  Their aspects occur only once per cycle as the Sun is never retrograde.  This is the pause and review of any recent actions trine and may relate to some long term project started around the time of the conjunction May 13, 2024.  Did you start something around that date?  What were you doing then?  Have you experienced any significant unexpected events since then?

This may also relate to any actions you have taken recently and how they are developing.  Do you need to change, undo, or fix anything?  If so, best do it now.

About one hour earlier, the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to Mercury.  This could be just the thing to activate your creative writing talent and speech.  Allow yourself to be open to insights or inspiration from everywhere.


09/19/24 – 11:11 am – fast Moon waning sextile Shadow Jupiter

This is another closing aspect.  What can you finish today?  That might be a good place to start now.  The end of the month is fast approaching.  If something needs to be completed by then, make sure that you are on track to be able to accomplish that.


09/19/24 – 8:14 pm – fast Moon cardinal opposition Venus

This is the monthly “face off” between the two Grand Ladies of the Zodiac.  Are they supporting each other or are they working against each other?  Are you working against yourself in some way?  Take time to reconsider any problems or challenges you think you are facing.  Are they really problems or are they just two sides to the same “coin?”  Step back and take a new look at any issues that are confronting you.

Just over two hours later (10:28 pm), the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to the Sun.  What are you feeling at this time?  Is there something that you think you know that on reflection, may not be true?


09/20/24 – 1:39 am – fast Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing crisis of action cardinal square to retrograde Pluto, the Moon goes void-of-course for 24 minutes before entering Taurus at 2:03 am. 

Just over 8  hours later (10:36 am), Venus will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Uranus.  Something unexpected may come up regarding a significant relationship, financial matter, or something you desire.


09/20/24 – 5:17 pm – Sun mutable opposition retrograde Neptune

This happens but once a year and marks the midpoint in their annual cycle.  This aspect occurs when the Earth is between this pair and will always occur during Neptune’s retrograde phase when He is closest to us.  At this time, the Sun is at 28 Virgo 31’ and retrograde Neptune is exactly opposite at 28 Pisces 31’.  This cycle began with their conjunction March 17, 2024, at 27 Pisces 22’.  The Sabian Symbol   for that degree is “A fertile garden under the full Moon.”  This is interesting as oppositions are like a “full Moon” in the cycle of two objects in the Solar System.  Did you start anything new around the time of their conjunction?  How is it progressing?  What was going on in your life at that time?  It may be time to revisit whatever it was.  Have you finished it, are you still working on it, have you set it aside, or forgotten about it?

Just one minute later, the fast Moon will make a waning sextile to Mars which may add some pressure to get it, or something finished.  Sometimes you have to complete one thing to make room for something new that you want to start.  If there is something new you want to start, what should you finish to make “room” for it?


Forecast for September 21-30

The last ten days of September may keep things amped up with Mercury waxing square shadow Jupiter followed by the Sun going void-of-course for about 5 1/2 hours on the 21st.  On the 22nd, the Sun will go void-of-course and then enter Libra for the Autumnal Equinox, then Venus will go void-of-course for over five hours before entering Scorpio.  There will be five exact major aspects on the 24th, as Jupiter finally reaches 21 Gemini, the degree at which He will station retrograde on October 9.  On the 25th, Mercury will go void-of-course for about four hours before joining the Sun in Libra on the 26th.  On the 29th, Mars will make a waxing water trine to retrograde Saturn followed on the 30th, by the Mercury Sun Superior Conjunction.

09/21/24 – 1:50 am – Mercury waxing mutable square shadow Jupiter

The day starts with this crisis of action square, the first of five exact major and one inconjunct/quincunx aspects today.  This could give some inspiration as to how to express something that has been on your mind.  Coming in the night, note any dreams, wake-ups, feelings, or other sensations.

Just over 1/2 hour later, the fast Moon will make a waxing sextile to retrograde Saturn for the second major aspect of the day.  This is the time to review anything started recently.  How is it going?  What should your next action/step be to keep it moving forward?  This waxing, expansive energy should carry through the morning, but then things could shift in the afternoon to older or other work in progress that needs to be completed.


09/21/24 – 1:30 pm – fast Moon waning earth trine Mercury

This is the third major aspect today.  This is  the plan your next action trine to keep things moving toward completion.  The next aspect in sequence is the crisis of consciousness square.  With both in earthy signs, keep it real. 

Less than 1/2 hour later, Venus will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Neptune.  This could bring some uncertainty into your day.  With Venus in Her other oriented sign of cardinal air Libra, you may want to seek the advice or confirmation of a trusted friend or co-worker, before deciding what to do.


09/21/24 – 10:15 pm – fast Moon goes Out-of-Bounds North

The Moon is at 26 Taurus 57’, zodiacally conjunct the fixed star Beta Perseus, also known as Algol, and as the Lilith star.  It is considered to be one of the most malefic stars.  She symbolizes losing one’s head, either figuratively or literally, so exercise extra caution.  Don’t take any unnecessary or impulsive chances as you consider your future and make plans for the days ahead.

Just 14 minutes later, the Moon will make a fixed conjunction to retrograde Uranus for the fourth major aspect of the day.  This could be the start of something new and exciting, but it might also keep you awake for a while.  If you aren’t sure what “new” thing to start at this time, you can sleep on it and decide tomorrow, make a list of possibilities, or if you know, then start it now, write it down, sketch it, make a list of what you will need and what steps to take.

Just 3/4 hour later the Sun will make a waning earth trine to retrograde Pluto for the fifth and final major aspect of the day.  As the day is ending, this could be a good time to consider what actions you should take tomorrow to keep things moving to completion.  The end of the month is coming up fast.


09/22/24 – 12:50 am – fast (OOB) Moon waxing sextile retrograde Neptune

It would seem to be another “busy” night.  Be sure to note any dreams, insights, “a-ha” moments, feelings or other sensations.  There are four major and one quincunx/inconjunct aspects today plus the Sun, Moon, and Venus will all go void-of-course and then change signs before the day is over.

Just over one hour later, the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Pluto.  Did something wake you in the night?  If so, note the time and whatever it was.  You can analyze this after you get up in the morning.


09/22/24 – 3:14 am – fast (OOB) Moon waning earth trine Sun

Following this, both will go void-of-course, the Moon for only ten minutes and then move into Gemini at 3:24 am.  The Sun will be void-of-course for 2 1/2 hours and then enter Libra, marking the Autumnal Equinox, at 5:44 am.  The good news is most should be able to sleep through both of them.  If you don’t, stick with your usual routine and focus on older work in progress as the waning trine sets up the crisis of consciousness square and is the plan your next action aspect.  That should be your focus until this afternoon when the next aspect should take over.


09/22/24 – 2:15 pm – Venus waning cardinal square retrograde Pluto

This is the crisis of consciousness square.  It is time to put the finishing touches on the work that needs to be completed this week or this month.  Following this, Venus will go void-of-course for over five hours.  Don’t make any major decisions regarding any special relationships or try to start a new one.  At least wait until this evening, after Venus enters Scorpio.


09/22/24 – 7:36 pm – Venus enters Scorpio

With Venus leaving Her other oriented Libra home behind for fixed water Scorpio, some may experience a significant relationship suddenly taking a darker turn as old hurts or other memories rise to the surface again.  Fixed water Scorpio is the sign opposite Venus’s fixed earth Taurus home.  Scorpio is the sign of Venus’s detriment, here She will be at Her weakest.  Don’t take any chances with relationships, be they new or old, special or casual ones.  Treat them all as important.  The Scorpio energy may be difficult to read and so may seem to “turn on a dime!”


09/23/24 – 4:58 am – slowing (OOB) Moon waxing mutable square retrograde Saturn

This is the crisis of action square, time to choose what to do.  With both in mutable, sometimes indecisive signs, some may find choosing which action to take may be more difficult than usual.  The Moon is in Gemini, sign of the twins, so you may want to ask a trusted friend, co-worker, or twin for advice on what to do.


09/23/24 – 3:39 pm – slowing (OOB) Moon mutable conjunction shadow Jupiter

Conjunctions symbolize new beginnings.  What “new thing” do you want or need to start now?  Choose wisely as Jupiter will be stationing retrograde in just over two weeks.  He has been transiting His shadow for some time now and you may have to redo, or even throw out whatever you have done and start over as He retraces His steps.


09/24/24 – 1:13 am – average (OOB) Moon waning mutable square Mercury

This could be the start of another interesting morning as this is the first of five major and one inconjunct/quincunx aspects today, all before noon.  This is the crisis of consciousness square.  Again, with both in mutable signs, making those tough decisions can be more difficult.  Note any dreams, insights, feelings, or other sensations as they may provide valuable clues on what to do or how to handle any tough issues that may come up.


09/24/24 – 4:59 am – average (OOB) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing mutable crisis of action square to retrograde Neptune, the second aspect of the day, the Moon goes void-of-course for almost three hours.  Be sure to note any dreams you may have had and your first sensations of the new day.  To avoid starting anything new, consider sticking with your usual morning routine and focusing on older work in progress or just pick up from where you left off yesterday.

Just over two hours after going void-of-course, the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Pluto, adding some potential anxiety to your morning.  Remember to breathe!  This too shall pass.


09/24/24 – 7:50 am – average (OOB) Moon enters Cancer

The Moon is back in Her cardinal water Cancer home.  Generally considered to be the sign of the mother, or at least the nurturing parent or person.  Some may find themselves focusing more on matters of preparedness and how to make their home safer, yet appealing and comfortable.


09/24/24 – 10:27 am – Mercury waxing earth trine retrograde Uranus

This is the third aspect of the day and symbolizes a time to pause and review any recent actions taken.  How are they developing?  Do you need to make any changes to them or are they on track and on time?  These are questions you might ask yourself as you review any recent actions.


09/24/24 – 11:30 am – average (OOB) Moon waning water trine Venus

This is the fourth aspect of the day and the pause and consider what actions to take next to get things finished aspect.  With both in emotional water signs and the Moon out-of-bounds north, some people, even you, may feel as if your emotions and feelings are more sensitive and difficult to control.  It may actually be better for you if you don’t try to control them.  Find a safe place to let them express themselves.


09/24/24 – 11:50 am – average (OOB) Moon waning cardinal square Sun

This is the crisis of consciousness square and the fifth and final aspect of the day.  This energy should continue for the rest of the day making it a good day to focus on work that needs to be completed.  With the Moon strengthened in Her home sign of Cancer and the Sun in other oriented Libra, choose carefully as you take action to finish things.  Don’t hesitate to seek the advice of others when in doubt.


09/25/24 – 4:07 am – Mercury mutable opposition retrograde Neptune

This is the midpoint of their cycle.  When Mercury’s mental and communication skills are opposite retrograde Neptune’s illusory abilities, dreams may be accentuated.  Be sure to note any that you have.  Pay attention to whatever you see, hear, or think you see or hear when you wake as Neptune may be sending you a special message through Mercury, messenger of the Gods.  The next aspect may seem to be sending a mixed message, which could confuse things.


09/25/24 – 5:40 am – average (OOB) Moon cardinal conjunction Mars

The conjunction is the beginning of a new Moon Mars cycle.  With both in cardinal, action oriented signs, today could be the day you have been waiting for to get started on that special “thing” you’ve been wanting to do.  Be creative.  It’s OK to take a risk as they are in the Moon’s cardinal water home of Cancer.


09/25/24 – 10:52 am – average (OOB) Moon waxing water trine retrograde Saturn

This is the pause and review any recent actions trine.  This could relate to something that you did this morning, or even yesterday or earlier this week.  Make sure it is on track.  If you need to change or fix something, do it now before moving it forward.


09/25/24 – 9:14 pm – Mercury goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning earth trine to retrograde Pluto, Mercury goes void-of-course for almost four hours.  This is the pause and plan your next actions trine.  It is about completing things, making any other adjustments, corrections, or changes before moving it on to its final review and completion.

When Mercury is void-of-course, it may seem like a short Mercury retrograde.  Choose your words carefully.  Double check, spell check, and grammar check all writing, texts, or postings before sending them.


09/26/24 – 1:09 am – Mercury enters Libra

Now in Venus’s cardinal air Libra home, some may find themselves thinking more about others.  Take time to get together, in person, with friends, family, even co-workers or classmates.


09/26/24 – 10:02 am – slowing (OOB) Moon waxing sextile retrograde Uranus

This is the first major aspect after the conjunction.  Time to check and see how any new things that you may have started recently are doing.  It is also time to plan what actions to take next to keep them moving forward as the next aspect in sequence is the crisis of action square.


09/26/24 – 12:38 pm – slowing (OOB) Moon waxing water trine retrograde Neptune

This aspect follows the crisis of action square in sequence and suggests that you may want to take time to see how those recent actions are developing.  If you need to make changes, corrections, undo, redo, or add something, best to do it now, rather than wait as little issues can quickly become BIG issues if not handled timely.


09/26/24 – 3:12 pm – slowing (OOB) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a cardinal opposition to retrograde Pluto, the Moon goes void-of-course for 35 minutes before entering Leo at 3:47 pm.  It is best if you don’t start anything new during this time.  If something comes up, set it aside until after the Moon is in Leo.  Use this time to focus on any work in progress.  Now in the Sun’s fixed fire Leo home, the Moon may seem overpowered by the Sun, as if it were a New Moon.  This could be a good time for that “long hard honest” look at yourself.  Would you like to change something about yourself?  If so, start making plans to embrace them with the coming New Moon on October 2, which is also a Solar eclipse, making it even more powerful.


09/26/24 – 6:18 pm – slowing (OOB) Moon waning sextile Mercury

The waning sextile is the last major aspect before the conjunction.  Time to put the “finishing touches” on anything ready to be completed.  It is also the best time to get started thinking, planning, or choosing whatever new thing you might want or need to start at the conjunction.


09/27/24 – 12:51 am – slowing (OOB) Moon waning sextile Sun

It is another waning sextile.  It is another busy early morning.  Your sleep may be interrupted or troubled.  Perhaps you will dream about something that needs to be completed or something that you thought you had finished but forgot to do.  If so, note it so you won’t forget it.  Put it at the top of your “to do” list. 

Less than one hour later, the Moon will make a waning fixed square to Venus

This is the crisis of consciousness square.  Did you forget to do something  or just remember something you have to do?  Whatever it may be, note it so you won’t forget it again.  This is the last major aspect today, so this energy should carry through the rest of the day.

Nineteen minutes later, the Moon will return in-bounds.  With the Moon now back in the bounds of the Sun, emotions, feelings, even people may start to feel more “normal,” less chaotic or off putting.  Some may find it easier to focus on the now, now, rather than the future.


09/27/24 – 8:04 pm – slow Moon waxing Inconjunct/Quincunx retrograde Saturn

Wrapping up the day with this irritating aspect could prove unsettling for many.  You may have a nagging thought that you forgot something, or perhaps a feeling as if something is “off,”  but just can’t seem to identify what it might be.  Pay close attention to any dreams or feelings that may come to you during the night.  Your answer may be in there.


09/28/24 – 9:05 am – slow Moon waxing sextile Shadow Jupiter

The waxing sextile follows the conjunction.  This is an opportune time to review any new things you have started recently.  How are they doing?  Are they all on track?  What do you need to do next to keep them moving forward?  The crisis of action square is next in sequence, so start planning.


09/28/24 – 8:36 pm – slow Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing fixed crisis of action square to retrograde Uranus, the Moon goes void-of-course for just over six hours.  If you are planning on doing something new, do it, or at least start it before the Moon goes void-of-course or it may not turn out as you hoped.  Before starting, make sure you have everything you need and that it is something you really want or need to do.  If you can, set it aside until tomorrow, after the Moon enters Virgo.

This is the last major aspect for almost 24 hours so its energy may last till then or for some, the lack of a major aspect could manifest as a feeling that something is missing or “just off.”  If you are one of them, note the time and what it is you are feeling.

Less than three hours later, the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Neptune.  Coming shortly before midnight, many may be sleeping.  If you sleep through this, be thankful.  If you don’t, note the time and what it was that woke you up.


09/29/24 – 2:42 am – slow Moon enters Virgo

Coming at this time, most will sleep through this shift from fixed fire, look at me Leo to mutable earth analytical, sometimes to critical Virgo.  However, about 1/2 hour before this, the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Pluto.  This could upset sleep for some.  If you are one of them, note the time and what it was that woke you.  Was it a disturbing dream, a sound, a vision, or some other sensation?


09/29/24 – 7:49 pm – slow Moon waning sextile Venus

This is  their last aspect before their coming conjunction.  Take time to review what you have completed today.  Are you satisfied with your efforts and the results?  If not, use this time to “fix” things.  If all looks good now, then consider what it is you want to start at their conjunction in about 5-6 days.


09/29/24 – 9:06 pm – Mars waxing water trine retrograde Saturn

The waxing trine follows the crisis of action square and reminds us to take time to review what we are working on and how it is developing.  If everything is on track, great; otherwise, take time to “fix” it and get things back on course.


09/30/24 – 7:38 am – slow Moon mutable opposition retrograde Saturn

It is Monday and the last day of September.  We have an opposition, a waxing sextile, and a conjunction, none of which are overly conducive to getting older stuff finished.  The opposition suggests taking time to make sure everything is on track and in balance.  If not, then you should know what isn’t and why and how to return them to balance. 

Just over 1/2 hour later, the Moon will make a waxing sextile to Mars.  This is the review things started recently aspect.  You should also consider what you should do next to keep them moving forward.


09/30/24 – 2:09 pm – Mercury Superior Conjunction Sun

This conjunction is at 8 Libra 11’.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “Three old masters hanging in an art gallery.  The Superior Conjunction comes when Mercury is in direct forward motion and passes on the far side of the Sun from the Earth.  In some ways, from our perspective, this may be more like an opposition than a conjunction and as such, it marks the midpoint in the Mercury Sun cycle.  Did you start anything new around the time of their Inferior Conjunction, August 18, 2024?  If so, how is it coming along?  Does it meet your expectations?  Is there something about it that you would like to change?  If so, why don’t you do it?

What about the Sabian Symbol?  What does it mean or suggest to you?  According to Lynda Hill,, this symbol represents beauty, art, and wisdom.  Galleries and Museums are places where time and space seem to stand still.  Have you ever been to a place where you felt this?  This evening could be a good time to reflect or meditate on this symbol as the Sun sets.  What would you be seeking if you were able to “pause” time?


09/30/24 – 9:30 pm – slow Moon waxing mutable square Shadow Jupiter

This crisis of action square is the last aspect of September.  Jupiter is preparing to station retrograde, so this energy will be very strong and whatever you do, or sense may repeat at least twice in  the months ahead.  Is there something that you want or need to do, this evening or perhaps tomorrow to start October?  Read on for the extended October forecast as you make your plans.



Extended Forecast for October

October keeps things going with a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 2nd.  On the 4th, Mars will enter His Shadow setting up His going retrograde on December 6, 2024.  On October 5, Mercury will square Mars, so you may want to take a vow of silence.  The 8th could be an active day with five exact major aspects.  On the 9th, Jupiter will join Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, giving us five retrograde planets.  On the 11th, Pluto will station direct, taking us back to four retrograde planets, which is one-half of the traditional tropical astrology planets in apparent backward motion.  On the 13th, there will be five exact major aspects, and Mercury will go void-of-course, then enter Scorpio.  On the 15th, there will be six exact major and two quincunx aspects.  On the 17th, Venus will go void-of-course then enter Sagittarius and there will be the “Superest” of the four consecutive Super Full Moons, that is it will be when the Moon is closest to the Earth of all the Super Moon’s in 2024.  On  the 19th, there will be five exact major aspects again.,   On the 22nd, the Sun will go void-of-course and then enter Scorpio.  On the 28th, there will be eight exact major aspects, followed on the 29th by no exact major aspects.  On the 30th, Mercury will oppose retrograde Uranus and for Halloween on the 31st, the last aspect of October will be Mercury making a waning water trine to retrograde Neptune.

Astrology AstroWatch AstroWatch Transits
Jim Schultz

Jim has been a professional astrologer and Oraclist for over 15 years. As a child his favorite books were the encyclopedia and the Almanac. He continues to be intrigued by the Universe around us; always searching for answers and new questions. Should you ask, he will tell you there is no such thing as "TMI."

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16 responses to “AstroWatch”

  1. Jim Sher says:

    Pacific Daylight time is what is being used right now.

  2.' Leslee Cook says:

    I’m sorry I’m new to reading your column. I love the exact times but are you referring to PST or GMT?

  3. Jim Sher says:

    Yes, Katerina, Venus did enter Aquarius on Monday, January 2nd at 6:09pm PST.

  4.' Katerina Rellos says:

    Hi Jim, you mention Venus in Capricorn with the Cancer moon today. I have read other astrological sources which mention that Venus is now in Aquarius since January 2nd. I would appreciate you clearing up my current confusion regarding the actual Venus placement now. Thanking you in advance, Katerina Rellos

  5.' Diana Mrewinkel says:

    Re: your comment on “like kidney stones”, unfortunately not true. My father’s stones were subjected to lithotripsy back in the late 1990s. Maximum 3 treatments were permitted. His stones stood their ground. At least he was not in discomfort.
    I enjoyed this reading otherwise.

  6.' shakthi says:

    Interesting. Thank for your efforts!

  7.' Carmela Smith says:

    Thank you for your insights

  8.' Olivia Martinez says:

    It’s been a powerful Super Moon (March 9th) so far…also interesting it is so near Venus conjunct Uranus. It feels like really big things are happening on every front.

  9. James Schultz says:

    Here are the basic astrological details of His Royal Highness, Prince of Cambridge. Weight 8 lbs. 6 oz., according to news reports, the heaviest future King by birth weight in 100 years of more. Correct birth time is July 22, 2013, 4:24 pm, London, England.

    A true “cusper” with Sun 29 Cancer 58. Moon 28 Capricorn 17, which means that HRH was born less than 3 hours before the full Moon at 0 Aquarius. Birth ascendant is 27 Scorpio 10 and his birth M/C is 20 Virgo 36. He was born with 7 of the 10 primary points in Cardinal signs and 6 of them in water signs. He has a Grand Water Trine of Mars 6 Cancer and Jupiter 5 Cancer trining Saturn 5 Scorpio and trining Neptune 5 Pisces. He also has a Cardinal T-square with Mercury 13 Cancer opposing Pluto 9 Capricorn and both squaring Uranus 12 Aries. He has none of the 10 primary points in an Air sign and 3 of them are retrograde. 3 retrogrades is the second most common number, 2 being the most common. Born with Mars out-of-bounds north might he be a rather precocious child, to say the least.

  10.' Iolé says:

    What a time to be born for the new prince-princess in England!
    Leo sun, Cancer planets: care for the family = the Kingdom, Aquarius Moon- we need open minds in the future!

  11.' Dane Sullivan says:

    Hey Jim,
    Source: Astronomical Phenomena For the Year 2013, prepared by US Naval Observatory and Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac which defines lunar eclipse time as Moon reaching centermost point of its journey thorough the shadow cast by the earth, and solar eclipses timed for maximum obscuration — typically different from time of simple conjunction. However, I note the Rosicrucian Ephemeris, citing JPL and the US Naval Observatory call it at 5:21. I’m betting there’s yet another computation out there.

  12. Jim Schultz says:

    Hi Dane, thank you for your comment. Not sure what your source for the eclipse time is. I use Solar Fire 8 for the dates and times I post. The time is based on the exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon which is 5:28 pm PDT. The NASA eclipse site shows a time of 5:26 pm PDT.

  13.' Dane Sullivan says:

    Probably just an editorial slip, but believe the May 9 eclipse doesn’t happen until 5:55 at 19 Taurus 33. Enjoy your observations!

  14.' andy says:

    “01/18/13 – 12:56 am – Mercury conjunct Sun 28 Aquarius 26”
    Sun still in Capricorn

  15.' Donna says:

    Oh boy! I am not an astrology student, however, I do enjoy reading your article every week. I have picked up the tiniest sliver of what is being discussed and from what I am able to glean, July sounds like it has the potential to be rather challenging. As a Taurus, I was happy to have read about the Mercury retrograde before it happens! I will be carefully watching my “p’s & q’s ” throughout the month and refer back to the entirety of the article – changes are a-comin’ for sure.
    Thanks for your work!

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