AstroCast: October 23-November 5, 2014

Posted on October 22, 2014
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell


There’s nothing like taking a wholehearted plunge into something for a feeling of total immersion. Rather than experiencing a subject of choice in an linear way that builds on knowledge with successive revelations as the capacity to understand grows, unmitigated engagement without distraction from outside influences allows for knowledge to be gained in a condensed time through sheer osmosis. Every point of data input in our body becomes a receptacle for and, simultaneously, a processor of information. The intensity of the experience creates a necessity not only for the brain, but also for the triumvirate of the physical, energetic and conscious aspects of our being to be present in order to successfully navigate the learning process. Well, get ready for a crash course in Scorpio on October 23th as the Sun, Venus and Moon enter the sign that defines concentrated power better than any other. But not only that, the Sun and Moon come together in a New Moon Solar Eclipse that day, less than an hour after the Moon conjuncts Venus, meaning this is one concentrated triple conjunction. The opportunity to delve into the secrets of what is arguably the most enigmatic, and perhaps the most maligned sign, could bring greater understanding of that which Scorpio rules for all of us – the deepest and seemingly most inaccessible parts of our nature, the hidden primordial being that has not forgotten that it is intimately connected with all creation. While the Sun, which illumines, is entering Scorpio’s deep cavern, it is appropriate that the Moon occults the Sun and Venus at the very beginning degree of Scorpio. Our immersion in this new cycle, therefore, is to take place entirely in the dark. We’ll have to do as Scorpios do and adapt our vision accordingly, and I’m not talking night vision goggles. Learning to see with the gut rather than the mind is the only way we can get to know those obscure parts of our nature that are operating without much, if any, conscious oversight. Fortunately, Venus is along for the trip, which means we don’t have to, nor should we do this alone. And lest we forget, Saturn is also in Scorpio to lend us a disciplined, authoritative hand to hold, which will guide us through any chaos that erupts as a result of the charge into the depths of our psyche.

This is the last eclipse before the final two era-defining Uranus/Pluto squares occurring in November 2014 and March 2015, about which much has been written in this blog and elsewhere. Significantly, this eclipse is in a flowing trine to mystical Neptune in his compassionate home sign of Pisces (and prolonging the magic that begins at the eclipse, Venus conjuncts the Sun on October 25th, and their respective trines to Neptune become exact on October 27th and October 28th). Ordinarily the Sun, Moon and Venus together in a tight trine to Neptune would generate romantic, utterly dreamy vibrations, but in Scorpio their rendezvous may be transformed into a bewitching manage à quatre, or perhaps go into more profound soul-touching territory. In order for the latter to happen, however, we must be willing to disempower any stealth programming installed in our subconscious long ago that breeds virus-like thoughts of alienation and abandonment (definitely the shadow of Scorpio!). As we feel our way through Scorpio’s psychological shadows, may we discover many a dream hiding behind them, and be able to acknowledge the fear that prevents them from coming forth into the light.

The total immersion into our soul during this period is supported elsewhere in the cosmos with aspects that are harmonious rather than fractious, stimulating rather than polarizing. The pressure of hard realities backs off our immediate awareness so that we are free to access our dreams and to probe any inner obstacles in their way. Mercury in Libra stations direct on October 25th, ending 22 days of review that may also have yielded a bit of a back log on the “to do” list, which in turn may have overwhelmed our capacity to remain focused and clear in the present as we chased up loose ends from the past. Mercury will remain in Venus’ home sign of Libra for the next couple of weeks maintaining his prolonged emphasis on fairness in our dealings with others while we reexamined existing relationships. The single planet in an air sign, Mercury is also our best access to impartial observing as we embark on that Scorpionic dive, at least until he takes the investigative plunge into Scorpio himself on November 4th.

Mars dons a no-nonsense business suit on October 26th when he enters Capricorn and assumes a more responsible role in the pursuit of desires. Exalted in ambitious Capricorn, Mars puts his energy to best use by systematically building on what he wants from the ground up with a solid, organized plan. The shift from the wild energy of Sagittarius to a more down to earth approach may seem less exciting in the bedroom – unless you find the ability to smartly manage affairs of all kinds downright sexy. At the very least he may add an energized, focused sobriety to the drama unleashed by the eclipse to ensure we remain steady on our feet.

November 1st – 3rd, a series of motivating sextiles between the personal planets and outer planets provide stress-free access to the transcendent archetypal powers that if tapped are always excellent guides for spiritual growth. Mercury in social Libra allies with Jupiter in expressive Leo to expand our intellectual capacity. Mars in Capricorn engages sublime Neptune in Pisces for a nuanced approach to our mode of assertion. Then both Venus and the Sun partner with Scorpio’s ruling planet Pluto in Capricorn to empower us to give and receive love, even in the face of uncertainty or distress. Making the choice to love rather than fear is always a good place to start from within in order to experience change without.

As the wobble effect of the eclipse reverberates through the next month, look for disruptions in the normal patterns of daily life: anything new that has been recently introduced, or old that has dropped out of sight. Eclipses reel in the anchor of inertia and blow wind into the sails of change. If we resist, changes may be forced on us, but if we’re connected to the pulse of creation we flow more naturally with the movements, trusting them to carry us where we need to go (Trust – the Big Scorpio Challenge!). This super potent New Moon Eclipse conjunct Venus in Scorpio and trine Neptune in Pisces may also signal a change in consciousness – it is an opportunity to allow ourselves to envision the kind of life we want, and deserve and then make a strong, clear intention to achieve it. The presence of Neptune emphasizes not only how dreams are the necessary precursors of reality but also how reality can be enchanted by dreams. In Scorpio, the message of this Eclipse, therefore, is for us to become re-enchanted with the cosmos, to feel deeply connected with all of creation and to go beyond mere belief to an intrinsic knowing in our hearts that whatever resources we need to manifest our dreams will be available to us, not to follow the example of our disenchanted modern culture by dispassionately exploiting them, but to deeply engage with the vibrant living gifts of the earth in the process of collective metamorphosis.

Here’s the data:

Times where noted are Pacific Time Zone.   Degrees where noted are rounded to the nearest whole degree.

October 23rd      Sun at 0° Scorpio at 4:57 a.m.

October 23rd      Venus at 0° Scorpio at 1:52 p.m.

October 23rd      Moon conjunct Sun (New Moon Solar Eclipse) at 0° Scorpio at 2:57 p.m.

October 25th      Sun conjunct Venus at 2° Scorpio at 12:31 a.m.

October 25th      Mercury stations direct at 17° Libra at 12:17 p.m.

October 26th      Mars at 0° Capricorn at 3:43 a.m.

October 27th      Venus trine Neptune at 5° Scorpio/Pisces at 11:48 a.m.

October 28th      Sun trine Neptune at 5° Scorpio/Pisces at 2:50 a.m.

November 1st     Mercury sextile Jupiter at 20° Libra/Leo at 5:44 a.m.

November 1st     Venus sextile Pluto at 11° Scorpio/Capricorn at 4:07 p.m.

November 1st     Mars sextile Neptune at 5° Capricorn/Pisces at 4:44 p.m.

November 3rd    Sun sextile Pluto at 11° Scorpio/Capricorn at 2:48 p.m.        


AstroCast Transits
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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3 responses to “AstroCast: October 23-November 5, 2014”

  1.' Donna says:

    This Astrocast hit the proverbial nail right on the head for what is happening in my life! Thanks Kimberly!

  2.' Jill says:

    Excellent Astrocast ! Thank you Kimberly.

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