Level 2 Astrology

In order to take Level 2, one must have taken Level 1. Because as you will see, in Level 2, we build upon what was learned in Level 1 and progress into teaching planetary rulerships, aspects, outer planets and their transformative nature, chart configurations and patterns and more.  Levels 1 and 2 make up the 24 weeks necessary in order to truly learn the very basics of astrology.   Below is an example of what will be covered each week.  Please note, that due to how fast or slow the class is needing/wanting to go this schedule is flexible.  If you haven’t already please do read about our teaching method.


The Third Six Weeks:

13. Rulerships

14. Aspects

15. Planetary Pairs

16. Basics of Structural Differential; House #1 – Sign on Cusp

17. Outer Planets Lecture

18. Outer Planets in Houses


The Fourth Six Weeks:

19. Rulerships to Houses

20. 2nd House; Sign and location of ruler; 3rd House

21. Chart Ruler, Mutual Reception, Final Dispositor, Unaspected Planets

22. 4th House; Aspects of Ruler; 5th House

23. Configurations

24. 6th and 7th House


Homework will be required from time to time in order to be able to apply what is being taught, as this reinforces and accelerates one’s ability to learn.  Our classes are highly interactive and we ask all students to be willing to participate fully in sharing their experiences as openly and as best they can when appropriate.  Astrology comes alive only to the degree a student is willing to express, share and interact with one another because it relates to learning about themselves and others through each of their natal charts.

For more information on Level 1 click here.

For more information on Level 3 click here.

For more information on the Advanced Level click here.


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