Soli-Lunar Cycle: New Moon in Leo August 16, 2023

Posted on August 16, 2023
Posted by Olivia Martinez

The New Moon commenced Wednesday, August 16th at 2:38 am PDT with the Sun and Moon at 23° Leo. This new cycle comes right after the Sun/Venus Conjunction which represents the beginning of a larger cycle that is poised to redefine our personal values. This alignment creates a powerful moment for initiating new beginnings and sowing seeds within both lunar and Venus cycles. It’s a time to reassess your desires, form new intentions, and be open to significant shifts. Keep an open mind, and reflect on new projects, relationships, and opportunities. Exercise patience to avoid impulsive decisions without a real understanding of the situation. 

The New Moon at 23° Leo directs its solar energy toward creating new forms of artistic expression. This influence calls on us to live from the heart and get in touch with our individual gifts. Leo naturally stands out as a natural leader, emanating inherent charisma that earns respect from many and radiates confidence and warmth. One way to connect to the Leo archetype is to perceive it as an outpouring of one’s inherent creative, spontaneous nature. Make the most of this New Moon cycle as an opportunity to learn and wholeheartedly embrace this aspect of ourselves.

The Sun and Moon are in an exact square with Uranus at 23° Taurus disrupting the status quo and asking us to break free from self-imposed limitations. When Uranus is involved, our path to individuality is illuminated. It challenges conformity, encouraging us to question common consensus thinking. This process involves separating from external influences, fostering open-minded skepticism, and challenging established norms to uncover authentic truths about ourselves.

The Venus Retrograde cycle has now reached the Inferior conjunction between the Sun and Venus, which means a new emerging cycle begins to unfold. We’ve been engaged in a journey of reevaluating our personal values, and contemplating how our various relationships fit into the big picture. This process will continue to take shape, as Venus is retrograde until September 3rd. Patience remains essential as we collaborate with others who are also navigating the impact of Venus retrograde matters in their lives. We’ll need to work together to navigate the ups and downs.

Uranus’ square to the New Moon and its sextile with Neptune make it an opportune time to let your imagination flourish. Imagination is the visionary that precedes creativity. We can think of this as a fluid process of going from ideation to tangible creation, giving form to something new and meaningful. Yet, it is essential to maintain awareness, as Neptune’s imaginative influence should not lead us into indulging flights of fancy that are merely a repetition of past fears and ingrained patterns.

Currently, there are five planets in Earth Signs offering a stable ground to work from amidst a lot of change. Jupiter and Uranus, both in Taurus, form a trine with a Mercury/Mars conjunction in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn. This helps keep us grounded in our actions and aware of our needs rather than fantasies. Our unique contributions and ways of expression during this period may focus on practical applications and Virgoan analysis. Practically speaking, this involves discerning what aspects of your life you can manage and those beyond your control. That includes taking care of ourselves, focusing on our daily physical and mental health needs that help us stay motivated and feel alive.


-Dane Rudhyar []

The Sabian Symbol for 24° depicts that concentrating our energy and awareness solely on our inner world might come at the expense of various forms of outward activity and care. This ties into our need to stay grounded and actively engage in pursuits that create positive momentum. The symbol emphasizes our need for total concentration, true focus on moving towards what we want, remembering that taking care of ourselves and the body that moves us through this world is an essential need too.

Guided by the Leo New Moon, we confront our need for artistic expression and self-discovery, encouraging authenticity and embracing innate gifts. Challenge norms, and find inner freedom on the path to individuality. Life prompts a reevaluation of relationships and values, highlighting practicality and discernment. It’s a moment to invite imagination while cautioning against old fears and patterns. Amidst these dynamics, the influx of solar energy fuels creative acts and the uncovering of deeper layers of our identity.

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