AstroCast: August 4 – 17, 2019

Posted on August 4, 2019
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell

It’s all about the multi-player game of life for the next couple of weeks. The Sun, Venus and Mars are currently traversing Leo and all are in trine to retrograde Jupiter in Sagittarius. This multi-planet trine in fire signs is a harmonizing, flowing aspect that supports interacting with others in fun and sexy ways to stimulate and support expansion and creativity. The Sun and Jupiter are extra potent in the signs they rule and their alignment, exact on August 7, may find us feeling our hearts are filled with purpose, which brings joy and clarity. We could go overboard with generosity, confidence, expressions of love, etc., but for those consciously working with these energies it can be a time when spirits are lifted, optimism rules and opportunities spontaneously arrive from around the proverbial corner. 

Venus’ presence in the trine brings the relationship element to the fore. In Leo, Venus directs our attention to how we play with others. It can of course go in either direction depending on our current state but as the symbol for balance, harmony, values and love of other, Venus at its highest expression favors a fair and balanced, win/win approach. Jupiter’s amplification of the Venus principle peaks when their alignment is exact on August 8, around which time the notion that human beings are inherently good may seem to inspire all interactions. The archetypal combination of Sun/Venus/Jupiter primes us to explore the benefits of any experience with others, the beauty and valuable lessons they bring, and the adventures we can take together. 

Retrograde Jupiter is barely moving at this time and will turn direct on August 11 at 14∞30’ Sagittarius. This astral event even further intensifies the movement to expand whatever state we are in, and in aspect to Sun/Venus it focuses in on our relationships and what we value most to drive that movement. Since the retrograde phase that began on April 10, this process to expand from our experiences has been internalized. We may now look back at the past four months and see how our perspective on life may have broadened in some way. Perhaps it became more inclusive or we experienced greater meaning in the diversity of expression around us. As Jupiter resumes moving forward in its home sign, we may notice that any internal growth we had may start to express outwardly through an expansion of our fields of activity.

Also on August 11, Uranus stations retrograde at 6∞37’ Taurus. This synchronized pivot with Jupiter evokes a strong relationship with a similar effect to what would occur in a direct alignment, albeit with a shorter window. History tells us the dazzling planetary pair of Jupiter/Uranus has striking correlations to creative and scientific breakthroughs and innovations in many areas of human activity. On a personal level, this Jupiter/Uranus vibrational burst amplifies the cosmic imperative to awaken to our inner wisdom. If we have laid the groundwork, it can correlate to new freedoms, new beginnings or leaps of faith that liberate us from obstructive patterns of thinking or behavior. It could detonate a pre-planted psychic depth charge that brings to the surface a sudden and profound insight into something we have been struggling with. Depending on the effort we have been making to align with the law of our being, it could catapult us to a new level in the cosmic game of consciousness.

Mercury entering Leo on August 11 boosts the revolutionary energies of Uranus with a provoking square aspect that is exact on August 16. This alignment triggers a direct esoteric link between the lower mind and the databank of cosmic intelligence. The awakening Uranus offers is to know that we are not the mind. We are not our thoughts. This revelation would come as a great shock to most considering the major belief systems about the human experience currently operating. But if we allow the pressure of the square to work in concert with the deeply penetrating vibratory emanations of stationing Jupiter and Uranus, it has the potential to crack open those very belief systems so we can see them for what they are. 

The predominant focus on interactions with others is due to a Sun/Venus conjunction in effect since the Leo New Moon of July 31, with the relational concerns of their united energies infused into the current lunar cycle. That lunation was square Uranus, which thematically indicated everything under the creative, playful Leo Sun and Venus is fair game for change. It asked us to allow any surprises or shocks we may receive to work their magic as portals of discovery about how we relate to others. While Uranus and Jupiter are still in their laser-focused points of stillness, the Sun/Venus conjunction reaches exactitude on August 13 and remains less than half a degree apart as the Full Moon in Aquarius opposes them on August 15. Looking at the quality of our relationships as these aspects unfold may reveal what it is that delights us about each individual in our life. We may further see the role we play in supporting that person’s development of their own unique creative expression. 

Furthermore, looking within may reveal whether or not we are our own the best inner partner. Does our manner of relating value harmony over discord, cooperation over alienation and equity over unfairness? Do we listen to other viewpoints and impartially accept them, or expect others to live by ours? Do we love/accept/attract/unify or do we hate/reject/repulse/divide? The Moon in Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus, teaches us to express our uniqueness and experience others in an impersonal, nonjudgmental way as they express their own. The Moon’s opposition to the Sun in Leo asks us to integrate our need for creative self-expression with our need to serve humanity to ensure a positive trajectory into the future. Considering the times we live in, with relentless violence, increasing divisiveness, excessive greed and overwhelming fear expressing on a global scale, we may be reaching critical mass on these questions soon.

AstroCast Astrology AstroCast Astrology Leo Mars Venus
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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