Marking a palpable shift out of harmonious Libra, Mercury enters immersive Scorpio on October 9. The probing nature of the sign of the Phoenix seems to infuse every experience with an intense desire to transform. Mercury filters this desire through our thoughts and words. How we look at our world and discuss it with others may turn serious as we delve into a search for the truth of life itself. We may endeavor to connect with others on an intimate soul level to create greater authenticity in our relationships. Yet the investigative energy of Mercury in Scorpio can also turn within to explore the very mechanisms of thought that control our every move.
Venus has been in a long-term square with Mars since early September that will last through mid-October (using fairly wide orbs of influence). This is more than twice as long as usual because Venus began moving slower than Mars and turned retrograde last week. Venus in a tension-filled square to Mars represents the classic “battle of the sexes” but also esoterically represents the difficulty we have in balancing the needs of self and other. This is aspect commences the last quarter phase of their cycle that begins to digest and assimilate what was accomplished since their last conjunction on October 5, 2017. Mars is a self-determining force that needs independence to operate in full creative mode. Venus governs relationships and values strong connections with others as the glue that holds society together. For their exact alignment on September 8 along the cardinal Libra/Capricorn axis, the emphasis was on social connections as the foundation of society’s structures. For the second exact alignment on October 10, Venus is in “all or nothing” Scorpio, which can correlate to intense encounters that go deep into uncomfortable or taboo territory. Mars is in Aquarius, the sign ruled by Uranus that is focused on freedom to express, but also far-sighted causes that move humanity forward. With Venus now retrograde through November 16, the review of our values and relationships will include finding common ground between the feminine/anima qualities of connectedness and the masculine/animus qualities of independence.
Increasing the tension during this week, the Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on October 11. Another third quarter square representing the introspective phase of their annual cycle, this one features the archetypes of will and power. Compromise may not come easily under this aspect and its concentrated force could correlate to demanding and/or controlling behavior. If our will is thwarted the force could even erupt unless we strategically choose to direct our energy rather than trying to force our will in the face of resistance. The key with this challenging aspect is to discover what empowers us so we won’t feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life that are necessary to create the alchemic heat we need to grow. We may recognize we are not the creator of this atomic source of energy, but a channel for the tremendous divine force that emanates from beyond the body/mind. Furthermore, the real challenge here is to take responsibility for learning how to use it consciously for the greater good. This can be a humbling experience but one that shifts the intent from desiring control in order to survive to being able to skillfully wield power for a purpose greater than oneself.
As the week unfolds, Mercury in Scorpio moves through alignments with various planets in quick succession. This supports a cosmic message that connecting with others and remaining open to what they have to say can help us from getting totally immersed in our identifications. Mercury opposite Uranus in Taurus on October 10 reminds us that we can think differently and embrace new perspectives. Our most unique ideas and ingenious ways of solving problems come only if we are not closed off by a fixed way of thinking. In Taurus, Uranus will steer the mind to focus in new ways on what we value materially and spiritually with a long view towards what type of future our choices will create. Mercury sextile Saturn in Capricorn on October 12 reminds us that sustained effort pays off, especially when it is grounded in a firm sense of reality. We may also want to look at the foundations of our beliefs to ensure our choices will build the future we want. Mercury conjunct Venus in Scorpio on October 15, which is still very potent having just turned retrograde, reminds us that we are not alone in having to learn how to best operate in this human experience. The Mercury/Venus planetary pair wants us consider the impact our actions, as well as our every word, will have on others in this reality. Words spoken in love are powerful forces that can transform hearts and minds in an instant.
Here’s the data for the major aspects this week (Pacific Time, rounded to the nearest whole degree unless otherwise noted).
October 9 – Mercury at 0°Scorpio at 5:41 p.m.
October 10 – Mercury opposite Uranus at 1°Scorpio/Taurus at 10:35 a.m.
October 10 – Venus square Mars at 10°Scorpio/Aquarius at 7:29 p.m.
October 11 – Sun square Pluto at 9:07 p.m.
October 12 – Mercury sextile Saturn at 1:20 a.m.
October 15 – Mercury conjunct Venus at 1:20 p.m.
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