AstroCast: April 3 – 9, 2018

Posted on April 1, 2018
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell


The aspects this week extend the restless energies of late that correlate to the ongoing square between numerous planets in daring Aries and those in responsible Capricorn. This gives us more opportunities to make conscious choices: heed the impulse for immediate action or strategically hold off until needed action can be done without chaos producing force. But, with the Inferior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury having passed, one should be alert to acting on any matters that one sees as necessary. Mercury in Aries correlates to creative and bold ideas and manner of speaking, but it is currently retrograde and in the nascent days of a new cycle so in the mode of germinating new ideas that are not yet fully formed. Mars, which archetypally prefers unfettered movement, is now separating from its conjunction to restrictive Saturn in Capricorn, but the wake of its effects will remain in play through mid-April, correlating to controlled rather than spontaneous action that favors a gathering of power, support, tools, etc. necessary to act when the time is right.

April 4 – 5: retrograde Mercury forms a tense square to the tenacious Mars/Saturn conjunction, which can trigger a desire to express in an inspirational yet unfiltered or potentially tough manner. The square alignment archetypally sets up a feeling of being at odds with something, generating a need to take some kind of action to resolve the tension. Aries is the sign ruled by Mars, so Mercury here answers to the Mars archetype’s need to act now. In dealing with problems, it will independently and courageously take steps to fix them but an impatient mind will leap to solutions rather than contemplating what would be the most effective way to get there. Depending on one’s state of consciousness, action under this astral signature can be easily incited by external forces if one does not take the time for internal contemplation. This is where embracing Saturn’s sense of discipline can be very beneficial, no matter how unnatural, limiting or slow it may seem. If we accept the limitations of a particular situation rather than being stuck in a static way of thinking, we can learn to use them to our advantage with martial arts like strategy. Even waiting just a beat to receive guidance can make all the difference. Perhaps the best reason Mercury is known to operate at lightening speed is because it governs how we receive inspiration from mystical sources, a process that bypasses the mind with all its fixed belief systems and fears. The more open and nimble we are in our thinking, the greater the connection with the unseen, indefinable (by normal mental standards) helpers of the cosmos.

As the Mercury/Mars/Saturn alignment releases its forceful energy, a stabilizing and practical trine between Venus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn on April 7 can mitigate the effects of heightened reactivity in action or words. Venus in Taurus brings a sense of grace to relating and its harmonious connection to Saturn instills attentiveness to acting in a manner that is supportive rather than divisive. Some of the ways this aspect can manifest is in bringing people of different ages together for a common purpose, or more easily deciding issues about finances on the basis of real, enduring values. Venus/Saturn archetypally plays the long game, favoring choices that lean towards a friendly, reliable and businesslike approach in partnerships and relations within organized groups.

Concurrently unfolding with the action-oriented Mercury/Mars/Saturn configuration and the poised Venus/Saturn alignment, the Moon traverses Capricorn April 6 – 8, stirring the tension of the planets in Aries that square those in Capricorn (including immersive Pluto in Capricorn, and the willful Sun and innovative Uranus in Aries). This focuses the entire bundle with strong emotion that can deepen our resolve to act in a way that is aligned with the truth of our being. There are times when things need to be said loud and clear in order to initiate a dialog with resistant parties about what is out of balance so that it can begin move from chaos to order in alignment with the cosmic law of love. With the political power of individuals united in a cause being highly activated at this time, may the synchronistic astral patterns this week lead to more calls for organized peaceful mass protests that speak up for the dignity of all human beings. Shout out to March For Our Lives, the Women’s March, Times Up, Black Lives Matter, the Dreamers, Earth Day Network and all those who find that uniting one’s voice with many has the power to change the world.


Here’s the data (Pacific Time and rounded to the nearest whole degree unless otherwise noted):


April 4 – Mercury square Mars at 10° Aries/Capricorn at 12:06 a.m.

April 5 – Mercury square Saturn at 9° Aries/Capricorn at 1:22 a.m.

April 7 – Venus trine Saturn at 9° Taurus/Capricorn at 6:36 a.m.




AstroCast Astrology Aries AstroCast Astrology
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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