New Beginning Astrology Class Starting Tuesday November 8, 2016

Posted on September 16, 2016
Posted by CarolP

We are starting a new Beginning Astrology Class which will meet on Tuesday evenings at 8:00pm in Culver City.

This course is designed for true Beginning astrology students.  It lasts for 18 weeks and is composed of three 6-week sessions which run back-to-back.

This course will teach the basics of the signs, planets, houses, rulerships, aspects, configurations, and chart patterns.  Also, we will look at the basics ofastrology1 synthesizing these principles in the natal chart.  Finally, there will be an introduction of the subject of transits, which cover where the planets are now and how we are affected by them.

Click here for to learn more about our classes and our unique approach to teaching astrology.

There are still a few spaces available. Please contact Carol Pilkington at (818) 975-0587 to register or if you have any questions.

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