Lunar Eclipse, Inferior Conjunction, Winter Solstice…..oh my

Posted on December 18, 2010
Posted by Jim Sher


It is rare when three significant astrological transits occur at nearly the same time, any one of which is likely to be important, but that is exactly what will be happening between December 19 and 21 of 2010. On Dec. 19 at 5:23pm PST, there will be the Inferior Conjunction between the Sun and Mercury at 28° Sagittarius. It will be quickly followed on Dec. 21st by the Lunar Eclipse at 12:13am PST and finally by the Winter solstice at 3:39pm, which is when the Sun reaches its southernmost declination and marks the first day of winter. I want to deal with these one by one, but as you read, I hope you will do your best to imagine that they are all happening basically at the same time. It is so rare that these two astronomical events haven’t occurred together in 456 years. They are all going to affect us in some way, though the people who will be affected the most will be those whose charts are aligned with where these three transits are occurring.

The Sun-Mercury Inferior Conjunction

This is the mid-point of the Mercury retrograde cycle and has a dual meaning. The nature of any Mercury retrograde period is to review some area of our life. Obviously, the need to review something means that something new must have been revealed. The Inferior conjunction is usually when there is the revealing of something important, though it may have already come to light. Now, we must take the new information and process it during the next 10-11 days as the Mercury retrograde period comes to an end. So, we are still reviewing, but not in the same way. The second aspect of this period is that often when a ‘seed’ idea is formed in us which beckons us forward. This ‘seed’ is mostly hidden and may not be felt consciously as of yet. It may still be a bit dark, so we might try to sense the new emerging thought-forms, or wait until more is revealed, which occurs at the end of the Mercury retrograde period and develops further in the next two months.

This Inferior conjunction may be full of extra surprises though. It exactly squares that Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces, which often brings sudden surprises into our lives that can create total game changing events or information. Uranus rules shocks and surprises while Jupiter can bring forth the desire for truth and the willingness to be expanded by that truth. The fact that this Inferior conjunction makes this aspect to both Jupiter and Uranus makes this cycle especially potent and revelatory, though possibly quite upsetting as well. It also can evoke some brilliant ideas and solutions to long-standing problems. It is a very catalytic period and then there is the next transit that amplifies things much further.

The Lunar Eclipse

Only two days after the Inferior conjunction we have the Lunar Eclipse. This type of eclipse happens on the Full Moon and intensifies it. Ordinarily a Full Moon brings something to a head, a culmination of some idea or possibility that begins at the New Moon. An eclipse however is much more powerful than a regular Full Moon. These occur every 6 months, but this Lunar Eclipse is a total one and is at the 29° degree which is referred to as a finishing degree. What this means is that this Eclipse has the potential to bring out deep, radical, cathartic emotions which will lead to much greater clarity in the long run. Whatever happens now allows us to end an old cycle in preparation for a new one to begin. It also will square Jupiter and Uranus, so the same shocks and surprises I mentioned before are likely to continue into today.

It is helpful to know that ‘eclipses begin before they begin.’ What this expression means is that events do not happen in an isolated way. There is a deeper cycle at work right now and if you are especially affected, you have likely been dealing with what is emerging right now for several months and especially the last 30 days. Before the eclipse, things are being set up, taking shape and as events occur, this will trigger more events as people begin to respond to the demands of what has now started.

With Mercury being retrograde as well, there can be delays in communication as well as the likelihood of some degree of miscommunication or misunderstanding. If you are in a situation that is intense with lots of letters, emails, texts, etc. going back and forth, be aware or beware of this possibility. Check facts and don’t assume too much yet. When there are a high degree of shocks and surprises, we can be thrown off balance. I love the quote by Pema Chodron warning all of us not to throw ‘kerosene on the fire’. This is very good advice at times like this. If it is possible, we will do best if we allow things to develop organically. But as I say this, the great news is that this 3-fold set of transits may break open any old stalemates or blocked flows that have kept us stuck in inertia and prevented from breaking free. Changes in moments like these though can be very sudden, putting us on our heels a bit and challenging us to ride the waves of change. We can either try to go with it as a surfer would or we can be rigid and stiff, which will get us nowhere and could cause a breakdown.

The Winter Solstice

While it is true that every three months, there is an important period when the Sun either crosses the equinox point (Spring and Fall) or the Solstice points (Summer and Winter), the one which many astrologers give the most significance to is the one that is happening now. Many astrologers create the chart for the year by basing it on the moment when the Sun enters 0°Capricorn00′. The reasoning for this is interesting and there is quite a bit of history involved. When the Sun reaches its southernmost position, which is located at approximately 23° south in declination and also is called the Tropic of Capricorn, it begins its movement back to the north and the days slowly begin to become longer again. This suggests the beginning of a new Solar year and the emergence of the newly born Sun (Son) after its death at the end of Sagittarius.

Given what I have said, since the square to Jupiter and Uranus is a very important part of this year’s chart, the year itself is likely to have a great many shocks and surprises in store for us. Freedom and independence are likely to be the watchword for the year. Also, these two planets are leaving compassionate Pisces and entering very independence minded Aries. With Jupiter and Uranus strong in this year’s chart, the world is likely to also be emphasizing technological innovation more than ever. China has decided to invest billions in certain specified areas they feel will become more important in the future. Exactly how committed the U.S. is to this type of economic development is uncertain. In the past, the growth of U.S. technology has always been triggered by government investing in the private sector, especially by the Dept. of Defense. This does not seem to be likely to continue in the present political climate.

As always, I want to encourage readers to reply to this blog article. Also, we hope you may enjoy coming back to see what others are writing about as we encourage replies to all postings.

We want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Thank you for your interest and support.

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15 responses to “Lunar Eclipse, Inferior Conjunction, Winter Solstice…..oh my”

  1.' dawn says:

    Hi Jim,

    Rereading this tonight is so helpful. Birthday on the 28th; just went through 3 deaths in 3 weeks on top of anniversaries of deaths of parents and husband at this season in recent years. I’m about as low as I can get, and yet the shocks and surprises you mention – here it is revealed. The shifts and reviews, all happening right on schedule. Painful time – as I see for others as well. Tonight I am going to watch Lord of the Rings because I need to be inspired to find light in the darkness. Isn’t this what this solstice is all about? Cap is a challenging sign – and I thank you for this newsletter and all the rest. Merry Christmas and may light be born in all of us across the planet. D

  2.' Galeeshea says:

    What is the spiritual significance of this event that took place last night?

  3.' Bushra says:

    I almost forgot about the lunal and solar eclipses occuring so close to one another. Yesterday and today, I felt very lousy, which I couldn’t explain. Well, now I know. As for me, there is a change in my life taking place right now, which is marking the end of a period of 12 years. I am extremely delighted. I am not worried about this change. I feel confident that whatever decision I make now, will be the best. I hope there are still pleasant surprises in store for me, till in the end of this month.

    Thank you Jim. This article was quite easy to understand as so many things are taking place almost at the same time.
    Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!!

  4.' Kathryn says:

    The 21st is also the day that Venus reaches the point at which it went retrograde on October 8th.

  5.' Kathleen Faye says:


    I am a 53y/o Sag. healer, experiencing an unusually heavy menses. (sorry guys). Channelled info today, ” What is being released, needs to be released. You will have a baby. It is a great gift. We prepare you for the coming of Christ. You are energetically in a different time and space, it is ok. It is a blessing, allow yourself to feel a full range of emotions.”
    Now I know I will not really have a baby, but rather the birth of a spiritual gift, and my body is just preparing itself to receive this. We are truly all connected, all one in spirit. That is beautiful, but the daily reality stuff is hard to take at times.

    My son was shot last Sunday night and remains in the hospital. He was transferred out of ICU last night. With no food or drink for seven days, I watched him rejoice with a popsicle last night. I was telling his Father, also a Sag.about the upcoming tough lunar eclipse He looked at my son and reminded me that we were already hit, …duhh yaah. Grateful for love and support from friends,and family, but I am tired.

  6.' navigators says:

    Well I guess that we need to look back 456 years ago to see what was happening then when this rare alignment of Sun-Mercury + Winter Solstice + Lunar Eclipse occurred. I briefly looked on a history website and noted that 1554 was roughly the time when England’s throne and religion were the subjects of many power struggles. Protestant Queen Elizabeth vs Catholic Queen Mary……and Philip of Spain stirring the pot to a boil. HBO has been running a very good movie dramatizing this struggle….”Elizabeth: The Golden Age”. I highly recommend it. Sagittarius is the sign of religion, and eclipses often portend a rise and fall of power for world leaders.

    Any other thoughts ?

  7.' Lynn Pentz says:

    Hi Jim,
    Just to add to the mix, I understand there will be a major solar flare at 4:30 am pacific time this morning, Dec. 20th.
    A Gemini, my natal chart is a bucket with all planets below the horizon flowing into retrograde Jupiter in my 9th house with Uranus conjunct my Sun in the 1st house, a lot of what you describe about this cycle, seems like a microcosm of my
    life. Any other thoughts?
    Love your most useful monthly commentaries. Happy holydays,

  8.' Candida says:

    As usual a very insightful article thank you so much! I wonder if all this stuff that’s been brewing in North and South Korea (which seems to be heating up right now, as I type this) is a manifestation of all these old toxic energies coming to the surface as well?

    Also do you give as much significance to the Summer Solstice here in Southern Hemisphere, (ie Australia)? I’d be interested to hear your thoughts, All the best for the holiday season and New Year.

  9.' Kathleen Atwood says:

    I have been feeling so pushed. I sit down for a minute and something tells me I have to get up and do something. At night I am working all the time I sleep. Will this freedom that is coming stop this feeling of being pressured?

  10.' Matt says:

    Right now a nasty two year-old dispute with my stepmother has re-emerged with a vengeance. Two years ago in front of a witness she behaved very badly in my house, then told the story to my father with me as the villain. She refuses to correct the misrepresentation. The witness was my wife, so we are seen as colluding. After a 40-year struggle to claim my own emotional territory and truth, i won’t back down. My wife supports me. We’ve both had enough of other people’s madness and a toxic family system. My father (almost 80) doesn’t do emotion, so tries to rationalise all related issues. Our relationship has been distant all my life (Jan 30th 1962, London) but i won’t be blackmailed or guilt-tripped into abandoning my values to give him an easy life. But the strong temptation (fired by righteous anger) is to escalate the situation nastily with cold words and intellectual weapons…

  11. Hey Jim,

    Well, with my Sadge Sun at 29 degrees, my natal Jupiter at 5 degrees Aries, and I’ve now realized my second Saturn return, do you think all of this planetary activity is going to affect me at all – GULP! I can certainly feel that desire for FREEDOM, but I’ve never been in a worse financial situation to have to contend with all this. My mother is bed-ridden, I’m confined to the home without an income, and I have little social contact beyond the family. H-E-L-P!!!!

    I’ll let you know if I live through this.

  12.' Stephanie dePhillipo says:

    Dear Jim,
    How wonderful it is to receive this information from you. It is certainly all happening for me. I seem to be recognizing shock, terror and abuse from the past. I am pushing through and learning to re-lease and re-live in a new way even though it feels like I’m pushing through the G force habitually against me. I don’t care. When I press on and “do the work” it gets me to the other side. There’s lots of work to do. I have been living with shock,post traumatic stress and nice new auto immune problems that I dump every time I see another chemtrail in the sky. It’s time to look, see and change.

  13.' Daneka Vallejo says:

    I have a lot of issues going on with relationships. Some are definitely coming to an end, and being forced to look at the issues and secrets that have been on the “back burner”. I do feel a sense of freedom coming though. I feel that coming financially, and with my career.

  14. Jim Sher says:

    Yes, this is exactly the type of issue these transits are going to sensitize us to and ask us to face. We can release quite a lot right now if we are willing to examine the areas with which we are struggling.

  15.' jgrace says:

    I think I get it… so much toxic turmoil with my birth family leads me to think FREEDOM is near. I am done. Is this part of it?

    I am also feeling vamped from toxic relationships, outside the family, and one lawsuite that I am to make some money on. I want to conclude it all. Is this part of this cycle.

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